TI launched 2013 Exporting Corruption Report

Anne Scheltema BeduinInternationaal, Nationaal, Omkoping, Publicaties, Publication, Rechtspraak, Schikkingen, Wetgeving

8 October 2013 – Transparency International launched its 2013 Exporting Corruption Report. It covers the 40 countries which are parties to the OECD Anti-Bribery Convention. Curbing foreign bribery is not only relevant to these major exporting nations but also to the victim countries. Transparency International publishes its report annually and this year there is a new methodology which provides a new way of ranking how active or reluctant major exporting countries are in investigating and prosecuting their companies bribing abroad. There are country reports on each country, identifying loopholes in their legal system and shortcomings of their enforcement practice, as well as we give recommendations for improvements in both areas.

As the report contains many concrete investigations and court cases, you may find you country mentioned in it either on the exporting side or on the victim side.

Find the press release (in 3 languages) at TI-S site.

The report is available here